Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Halfway There

Well, first and foremost: Welcome! Hopefully I'll manage as my brother put it to "keep it beefy" when it comes to my posts on this thing. I suppose we'll just have to wait and see...
I'm currently just king of hanging out in Heathrow airport in London. I have a ten hour layover, and just some homemade macaroni and cheese and yogurt from the plane to tide me over. I'm sure it'll be fine though. I think that there are probably other kids from my program in a similar situation, but I'm fighting the urge to go up to every lone student-looking traveler and see if they're one. There are just too many of them.
I guess that's probably about it for now. When I arrive I'll have to manhandle my over-packed luggage and go through a fair bit of orientation, but for now things are pretty quiet. Hope everything is going well for everyone, and I'll post again when I can!


  1. robust. a nice start however. did you bring your camera? (no, i don't think you're an idiot) you should take pictures and post them up on here.

  2. Hello --
    no salad dressing; you've got a great recipe from the get go. go for it. you're missing the snow and howling wind and darth is missing you. i hope you're going to party this evening. no this is not Jen, it's your - - - !

  3. Hi Ashley- Great to hear that you are adjustings...I'm off to visit Johnny and Carol in Texas on March 14th for a week...My firswt visit to Texas. I'll keep you posted. Love,Mary

  4. ashley- More Pictures...Love, Mary
