Monday, March 23, 2009

river rafting and a mountain on fire

Though this past week was mostly studying as well, a few interesting things did manage to happen. We've hit that point in the semester where first papers are due in almost every class, in about a two week span. For someone who's not used to writing this style of paper, it's pretty intense. I think it'll be ok though... (well, it has to be!)
Last week the mountain caught on fire one night. I know that sounds crazy, but there were lines of fire all along the mountain and it was still smoking and sizzling the next morning. They had four helicopters picking up water from near UCT to drop on the fire. My friend Shannon pointed out that it was probably largely ineffective and more for show than anything else, which I believe. I didn't get to see it at night when it was ablaze, but even just seeing the aftermath the next morning was insane. The whole thing was just kind of smoking and sputtering.
Friday night we went to see a play called Macbeki, which was a political farce with former-president Mbeki as some sort of Macbeth. It was pretty good, but a lot of it was definitely over our heads. The one point that did make it to us was when the porter, who was dressed in all white and had his face painted white and was always somewhat harrangued asked why he couldn't stay for an important conversation. He basically was reduced to actually saying, "Why can't I be here? Is it because I'm white?" I thought it was pretty interesting. I wish that I had gotten all of it, not just the really blatant stuff.
Saturday we went rafting on the Breede River (I think that was the name of it anyway). It was basically a pleasant float for the most part, although there was a fair bit of rowing toward the end. It was really pretty and it felt good to actually use my muscles and get a little worn out. I wish I could have taken pictures, but obviously water and digital cameras don't mix happily.
I guess that's about it for now. I'm hoping to finish up two papers today and tomorrow, but we'll see I guess. My friend Sebastian introduced me to this really great music by these two bands from Maine. One is Big Blood and the Bleedin' Hearts, which is a husband and wife who are both in the other band, Fire on Fire. They're really nice kind of folksy stuff, so I've been listening to that a lot. It's funny that I have to know a Capetonian to get properly acquainted with good American music!
That's about it, but know that I love and am missing you all!