Monday, March 16, 2009

a slow week

This past week has largely seen the beginning of the worst part of study abroad: the studying. A paper due this week, next week, and the week after that. How much fun! Not to mention that none are biology papers, so the lack of a hypothesis and methods sections gives me more than a few heart palpitations. Hopefully by the end of this semester my non-analytical brain will have had quite a rigorous workout...
Other than that, not much to report. The week consisted mainly of quiet nights and trying to keep up on readings. The weekend was either me studying or "studying" (aka staring out the window, eating a cookie very slowly or falling asleep in the grass). Somehow I managed to stay vaguely on top of things, but it's more like a marathon than a sprint. This coming weekend I'm going white water rafting Saturday, so I need to work on a paper all day Sunday.
I put up more pictures on Picasa. Because nothing super interesting happened, it's a short survey of things around where I live and go to school. And you all should know that I'm very jealous of what sounds like the beautiful spring weather. It gets to be roughly a million degrees (and that's in Celsius!) here a lot of days. Yuck!


  1. The new pictures are awesome (I especially enjoy the graffitotags). I expect many shots of your rafting excursion, which is intriguingly out of character.

  2. ash. good to hear you're hitting the books. white water rafting sounds fun.

    i'll write you an email this weekend.
